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Receive a call about owing money for missing jury duty in Nueces County? It's a scam, officials say

The department said they've been notified that several people have gotten a call saying they owe money after missing jury duty. This is a scam.
Credit: 3NEWS

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If you get a call from someone saying they are from the sheriff's department and you owe money after missing jury duty-- don't believe it. 

The Nueces County Sheriff's Department posted to their Facebook page Monday about the scam. The department has been notified that several residents got the phone call. 

The scam-artist caller states they are David Cook with the NCSO and tells the recipient they owe money after missing jury duty. NCSO officials said while David Cook is the name of their Chief Deputy of Operations at the Sheriff’s Office, neither he nor anyone else from the department would contact anyone via phone to address a failure to appear.  

The department will also never ask you for money over the phone to address any issues, officials said. 

You may contact the Nueces County Sheriff’s Office at 361-887-2222 should you have any questions or concerns.

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