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Salvation Army Angel Tree Program deadline extended

The Salvation Army has extended the deadline to return the Christmas gifts for the Angel Tree Program.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Oh Christmas Tree- well- Angel Tree in this case. 

The Salvation Army is near the final deadline to receive the remainder of angel trees that will be utilized to bring cheer to a child in need on Christmas Day. 3News spoke with the community relations and development coordinator, Abigail Cieslik, about the new changes that have taken place this year.

"We increased the number of angels we're doing this year by about two hundred. And this year, we're actually serving teenagers. So, we're doing thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-olds for the first time. So, we're excited for that."

Now although teenagers are included this year, more of a monetary donation rather than toys will suffice for them. Case manager, Tiffany McBroom, who has been on staff at the salvation army for over five years now, expressed to me how much of a difference this will make for the teens she works with.

"All the years prior, we never had anything for the teens. For them to have that fifty-dollar gift card that they wouldn't have had prior...I think it's exciting for them"

While teenagers are included this year, there are still roughly 120 gifts still waiting to be submitted for all the children involved.

 If you sponsored a child this year or maybe you want to help a child in need this holiday season, donations have been extended until this Wednesday, December 20th. Even if you were not able to get a specific child a gift this year, no worries at all, the Salvation Army is accepting donations and gift cards to ensure that no child is left behind.


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