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Freeze dried candies| Shops at Buc Days' Treasure Island

We did not expect to see a Bearded Dragon on a leash named 'TBD' in this live shot. But we are very, very glad we did.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Ever tried a freeze-dried oatmeal pie? 

Reely Treatz Freeze Dried Candy owner Angil Wilburn, who spent our live interview with a leashed Bearded Dragon on her shoulder, says that her small freeze-dried sweet treats will defy your expectations. She is currently a vendor at the Buc Days' Shops at Treasure Island. 

Angil told First Edition reporter Madeline Salinas that a TikTok trend inspired her to become a freeze-dried candy artisan. 

"I went ahead and just invested in the machine," Angil states simply before jokingly saying "I should have done more research," and laughing. 

As time has gone on, she's learned a lot about freeze drying and tries to have a variety of candy and treats to differentiate her from other freeze-dry vendors. 

As for what makes freeze-dried treats so special, Wilburn said the process transforms the food in unique ways that enhance the flavor. 

"It's just a whole texture thing."

Those who visit the shop will find mini starbursts, red hots, fruit roll ups, freeze dried honey that you can melt in your coffee, and so much more! 

Angil says her philosophy is somewhere along the lines of: As long as it can be freeze dried, it WILL be freeze dried. 

From candy, to food, cakes, pies- just about anything will do the trick. 

As for the Bearded Dragon?  Good old Mister 'TBD' was named by Angil's kiddos, who she says couldn't decide on anything else. The scaly little guy has to be on a leash, though, or else he'll try to get away! For now, the cold-blooded cutie makes a great mascot for the tasty treat shop!

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