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'It's unavoidable': Plumbing woes overflow on Black Friday, keeping tradesman busy

Trevor Coffman, of Lamar Plumbing, said calls started coming in on Thursday as people were putting leftovers down the drain.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — While many people were hitting the stores shopping for Black Friday deals, others were stuck at home waiting on a plumber. 

That's not surprising because Black Friday is also known as the busiest day of the year for those professional tradesmen. Trevor Coffman, of Lamar Plumbing, said calls started coming in on Thursday as people were putting leftovers down the drain.

Coffman said that some repairs had nothing to do with the recent holiday but unfortunately add to the workload.

"This is totally unrelated to Thanksgiving. This is totally plumbing related. This is just common every day repairs that happen, unfortunately," he said.

Coffman already had a full day of work ahead of him, and his phone didn't stop ringing as customers continued to call for help.

"Uh, yeah let me give you a call whenever I get done with this job," he said. 

Coffman said that days around Thanksgiving are always busy because too many people try to flush food down the drain. He also says when people have guests, that's usually when the toilets back up. 

"It's unavoidable," he said. "Grease is going to be in there on your plates, cookware all that stuff running hot water afterwards trying to flush out the system. With grease do not let it solidify. Basically try to run as much water and get everything pushed down the drain."

If you don't watch what you're putting down the drain, Coffman said, you'll end up calling someone like him. As busy as he is, you might have to wait a bit before he can come and take care of the problem.

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