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VERIFY | Can snakes really get to your toilet through the plumbing?

Regardless, there are things you can do to prevent it from happening.

SAN ANTONIO — Finding an unwanted live critter in your house is never a pleasurable thing. 

In tonight's VERIFY, we address one particular fear that many of you can likely relate to. When you go to the bathroom, it's hard not to feel vulnerable when doing your business. 

That leads us to tonight's VERIFY claim, sent in by KENS 5 viewer Lloyd Mims.


Is it possible for snakes to get into toilets through the sewage?


  • Anne Hayden, communications manager for the San Antonio Water System (SAWS)
  • Auger Pros Plumbing



This is true.


"It is possible for critters to get in through an open clean out, or cracked sewer laterals," Hayden told KENS 5. "I have mainly heard of this occurring with septic systems. This would not be an issue with water lines since they are pressurized."

On its website, Auger Pros Plumbing reassures visitors that it's unlikely you'll ever deal with this unpleasant bathroom encounter. 

"(But) it still is possible," Auger Pros says. "Critters can travel far in sewers and pipes (especially if there are holes or cracks) in search of food and shelter, and sometimes this journey leads them to a toilet bowl."

So yes, it is true. It is indeed possible for those slithery fellows to get into toilets via the sewage piping.

The Auger Pros went on to say that if you live in an area with a one-way sewer system, you can ask your plumber to install a one-way, non-return valve under your toilet to prevent these unwelcome visits.


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