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Zavala Elementary students get a special visitor and a new classmate

Santa came by Thursday to drop off an Elf on the Shelf to students in grades Pre-K through second grade.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Zavala Elementary continued a 10-year tradition that both students and staff have come to look forward to each December on Thursday.

Pre-K through second-grade classrooms received their very own Elf on the Shelf delivered by Santa himself.

The Man in Red traveled from classroom to classroom -- using their doors instead of the chimney -- to drop off the elf with some Christmas cheer.

The holiday event gives teachers the opportunity to bring some magic to the curriculum for the day.
Here's how it works:

"Every day, that elf gets to sit in the classroom and watch the students: do their work, listen to their teachers, collaborate with each other, and be kind,” said pre-K teacher Samantha Hill. “It helps give them the initiative to do a great job while they’re here in school." 

She adds that, each year, the students strive for success under the elf's watchful eye.

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