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CCPD remembers its fallen officers

We all continue to remember the officers who died in uniform, doing what they love most and protecting the community.

If you've been on the bayfront lately, you might have noticed the Harbor Bridge lit blue. The reason for that is National Police Memorial Day.

All week long the Corpus Christi Police Department has been posting on their Facebook page the memories of their fallen officers from the men and women who worked beside them.

Officer Alan McCollum

On January 31, 46-year-old CCPD Officer Alan McCollum died after he was hit by an alleged drunk driver while conducting a traffic stop on South Padre Island Drive near Carroll Lane. 

"His love and compassion for people was just next level," Officer Michael Love said. Officer Love was also injured in that traffic stop that killed Officer McCollum. 

To honor Officer McCollum and other fallen officers within CCPD during National Police Memorial Week, CCPD has been posting video messages from their partners.

"In Corpus Christi, we've lost 13 officers in our history who have given their lives in the line of duty," CCPD Chief Mike Markle said.

Officer Love shared a funny moment he and Officer McCollum had while hearing American rapper Missy Elliot on the radio.

"When we first started riding together, we started feeling out each other's music and then Missy Elliot came on and I'm kind of just staring out the window and next thing you know, I'm hearing another person singing all the words and I looked over and there's Alan just singing every single word to this Missy Elliot song. I immediately knew just then this is going to be great. I was the last one to talk to him, and I was the first person on scene."

Lieutenant Stuart Alexander

47-year-old CCPD Lieutenant Stuart Alexander was killed during a high-speed chase. He was a 20-year CCPD Veteran. His partner was Lieutenant Charles Freeman. 

"Many times, especially in our district, we came across people in need, and he was very quick to find the resources for them anything from a night in a hotel, to gasoline, to food to clothing," Lieutenant Freeman said. 

Officer Matthew Thebeau

Senior Officer Heriberto Martinez said his classmate Matthew Thebeau was the best man at his wedding.

"What I did was name my first kid his middle name - Matthew - just to remember him by,"  Officer Martinez said.

In 2008, 25-year-old Officer Thebeau was responding to a domestic violence call when he hit a concrete barrier on the Crosstown Expressway near Baldwin. He was thrown and hit by another car. He was only an officer for two years before he died.

"He was a hundred and ten percent every time,"  Officer Martinez said. "He loved his job. He challenged himself and he would challenge you."

We all continue to remember the officers who died in uniform doing what they love most and protecting the community they loved.

"[Office McCollum] wouldn't want anybody stuck in a rut so that's what I use every day to kind of get myself through this is," Officer Love said. "He would want us to be stronger and use this to elevate ourselves forwards."

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