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Coastal Bend fire fighters share fire safety tips this holiday season

The colder temperatures and holiday season are known to pose a risk for increased fire danger around the house.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Area fire fighters are reminding folks to take precautions this time of year. The colder temperatures and holiday season are known to pose a risk for increased fire danger around the house.

An alarming demonstration shows just how quickly a Christmas tree fire can get out of hand.

“Christmas trees are so easily sparked we want to continue to spread the message to maintain the moisture level in the tree,” said Ingleside Fire Chief Steven Loving.  “Any Christmas lights you use are used in a proper manner."

Also make sure electrical outlets are not overloaded. Chief Loving says candles are another leading cause of fires this time of year especially ones that are unattended.

“If you leave the room even for a moment, it only takes a moment for a fire to ignite. Put the candle out,” said Chief Loving. “I realize it’s Christmas time you want the beauty, you want the smells but at the same turn it’s not worth it if those get out of hand."

According to the national fire protection association, more than one third of home fires are started by candles mostly because decorations are placed too close to the heat source.

“Christmas decorations, Christmas cards, laying out, they are displayed, you have a candle near them, the radiant heat catches enough of it, fire continues to increase,” said Chief Loving.

As temperatures dip down alternate heating sources like space heaters should also be used with caution. Chief Loving suggests keeping them at least 3-4 feet away from walls curtain and furniture.

Chief Loving says an automatic cutoff or a tip over switch can be added fire protection.
When it comes to outdoor fire prevention keep any fire pits away from your home and put the fire out before you leave.

“We would never recommend that someone uses a stove to try and heat their home, that is not its intention, it’s not what its designed for, its designed to cook food, not heat a home," said Chief Loving.

A fire alarm is recommended for each room of your house and now is a good time to test them to make sure they work so when you hear the alarm it will be a sound that could very well save you and your family from a devastating fire.

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