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Community seeking justice for dog thrown out of moving pickup truck

Rescuer, Amberly Freitas, who named the dog Angel, has been praised by the community for showing the sweet dog lots of love during her last moments of life.
Credit: Facebook: Amberly Freitas

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Dog rescuers from a popular Facebook group are pleading with the public to come forward if they saw a dog being thrown from a moving pickup truck.

According to witnesses, the large dog was pushed out of a moving pickup truck by an unknown woman in the middle of rush hour traffic near the Everhart and Staples intersection. 

After the large dog, now named Angel by rescuers, was pushed out of the pickup truck, she was immediately hit by another vehicle. 

The man who ran over Angel stopped to render aid but was bitten by the dog because she was in so much pain, scared, and confused. 

Multiple good samaritans pulled over in their vehicles to comfort the dog that was in excruciating pain, according to the social media post.

“I can’t get her horrific, painful cry out of my head. She was in so much pain," wrote one rescuer on the Facebook post. 

Another rescuer, Amberly Freitas, immediately rushed the dog to VCA Oso Creek Animal Hospital and Emergency Center.

Veterinarians said the dog had no chance of life, as she completely broke her spine, and there would be no coming back from that. 

According to rescuers in the Facebook post, the veterinarian at OSO euthanized the dog at no charge to end her suffering. 

"She will be euthanized at VCA Oso, if anyone would like to donate in her memory to their Angel Care Fund, please call it in," said Amberly Freitas.

After the incident occurred Saturday evening, a recollection from rescuers, along with pictures of the injured dog went viral on Facebook. 

"This poor baby ran back towards the truck. She was dumped at Everhart at rush hour traffic at 5:05 pm. Little did she realize her owner was and is evil, " wrote another witness.

CCPD was on-site, but it is unclear if a police report was filed by authorities. The Corpus Christi Animal Care Services' investigators usually handle cases such as these. 

"I have a pretty good lead on who did it, turning what I can over to animal control," said rescuer, Amberly Freitas. 

Now, the community is coming together to gather information on who the unknown woman is that caused this horrific death of an innocent, living, and breathing creature.

Rescuers say they plan on contacting businesses in the area of Everhart and Staples in hopes of retrieving camera footage from the area of Saturday’s incident. 

Animal cruelty is a felony in Texas and is punishable for up to 10 years in prison and perpetrators can face a fine up to $10,000, officials say.

Anyone with information is asked to come forward with any details -- whether it’s a description of the pickup truck, a license plate number, or any other sightings of Saturday evening's appalling incident that you may have seen. The contact number to reach Animal Control Officers is (361) 826-2489.  

"Also, quick fact, this girl was special and spunky, she had seven toes on each of her front paws," exclaimed Amberly Freitas.

Rescuer, Amberly Freitas, who named the dog Angel, has been praised by the community for showing the sweet, innocent dog lots of love during her last moments of life. 

If you would like to donate in memory of Angel, please contact VCA Oso Creek Animal Hospital and Emergency Center, located at 7721 S Staples St, Corpus Christi, TX 78413. Their contact number is (361) 994-1145.

Credit: FB: Amberly Freitas

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