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Local English teacher sends heartfelt letter to students

The letter titled 'Love Is,' is bringing both students and their parents to tears.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A local English teacher is continuing to inspire and uplift his students even after learning classes would not resume this school year due to the corornavirus. He sent a heartfelt letter to those students titled 'Love Is.' That letter is bringing both students and their parents to tears.

At Robstown Early College High School, the hallways are now silent, classrooms are empty. It has been six weeks now since Iliana Corinas - a sophomore at the school - has seen her classmates or teachers in person.

When she received a letter from her English teacher, Mr Gilbert Gonzalez, she was completely moved by what she read. "It wasn't a surprise I got the letter, it did bring a smile to my face," Corinas said. 

The letter, a reminder of the impact teachers have on the lives of their students. Here's part of what was said.

"Not a day goes by, " Gonzalez wrote "that I don't smile as I sit in my class, alone and quiet, a bittersweet smile when I remember the exceptional time we spent together. I was truly blessed, and I had so much more to share with you. So many more creative and fun projects that I was anticipating to bring out the best in you."

Iliana's mother, Melinda, also moved by those words of support. "She came to me after she got the letter and said 'mom, Mr. Gonzalez sent us this letter' and she started reading it, and she got emotional and I did, too, to know that my daughter has someone in school who cares for her that much is really special," Melinda said. 

The letter goes on, Gonzalez writing "I was excited about getting the 'STAAR' test out of our lives. I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were going to blow that test out of the water. Coming to work is still a joy because of you, and even now you are my inspiration each and every day."

The letter came to an end with this."One more thing before we get to the final assignment for this year, be kind to each other, for there is too much hate in this world already, its okay to be nice...it really is."

I spoke with Gonzalez by phone, unaware of the impact his letter had already made, and this is what he told me about his students.

"I was truly speaking my heart, I feel that if I touched them in some way that maybe just maybe they could be inspired somebody else down the line who could use help," Gonzalez said.

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