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Good Samaritan Rescue Mission gets one step closer to new permanent facility

The Corpus Christi Planning Commission decided in favor of turning the former Red Roof Inn motel near I-37 and Nueces Bay Boulevard into the new home for Good Sam.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Good Samaritan Rescue Mission in Corpus Christi has been in a rather desperate need for a new facility. They have long since outgrown their current location.

Most recently, they hoped to move into the old Lamar Elementary School building, but neighbors were against that move. However, they are now close to finding a new permanent home.

"Finally," said Carole Murphrey, CEO of the Good Sam. "Finally. It's been a long time in coming."

Murphrey applauded the Corpus Christi Planning Commission's decision on Wednesday evening in favor of turning the former Red Roof Inn motel near I-37 and Nueces Bay Boulevard into the new home for Good Sam.

"I believe that this is the place that the Lord provided for us because we really needed a buffer from the neighborhood so that people just can't hang out really close to us, and it's going to be secure," Murphrey said.

This is the Good Sam's second attempt at moving into newer and better facilities in the last few years. In January of 2020, their hopes of moving into the old Lamar Elementary were dashed after neighbors complained about the potential increase of homeless people in their area. Murphrey said this new facility is a new beginning.

"We feel like, like it's probably the best spot in town," Murphrey said. "We're going to floorboard everything that we're doing. I have a construction crew here and so we're modifying things where it will fit Good Samaritan."

Now, the Good Sam just waits for City Council to approve the move.

Murphrey said the facility is practically ready made, with only a few minor improvements and re-arranging of rooms to accommodate more than 150 residents and staff.

"It's three floors, it has 87 large rooms," Murphrey said. "They also bought everything in the building. From the shampoo to the beds to the chairs in the lobby. They bought everything that they had."

Also in the plans are to build a large kitchen and dining room and a resale store. It is, as Murphrey put it, a gift residents will appreciate.

Murphrey said her prayer now is that everyone in the mostly business neighborhood of the old Red Rood Inn will welcome them. If all goes as planned, the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission will open its new doors in time for Thanksgiving.            

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