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Volunteers needed for Corpus Christi ISD K.E.Y.S walk

Volunteers will be knocking on doors September 11 in an effort to get students back in the classroom. Here's how you can help.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Corpus Christi Independent School District is on a mission to get students back in the classroom through their program "Keeping Every Youth in School."

“This is a district wide opportunity where we all come together. Volunteers, district staff, where we go out and find those students,” said Solomon Coles High School Principal Chris Hall.

Volunteers will be knocking on doors September 11 and Hall said it’s important for families and students to be reassured by the district.

“This is where we put our feet to the pavement. We go out knocking on doors, reaching out to those families in an attempt to get them back here.”

“We have a drop out coordinator prevention program here. They’ve identified about 891 students that we need to go out and find,” said Hall.

Dropout Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Noyola says some students did not return to school this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“A lot of the reason being is they have younger siblings that are not able to get the vaccination, you have the illnesses entailed with that, parents that are you know very leery of bringing something home, even though there’s mask wearing,” said Noyola.

With four weeks into the new school year, Noyola said they want to help students catch up.

“It’s gonna be a while for us to recover that year and a half and four weeks now in to help them close that gap, but we’ve instituted a lot of things in this district from tutoring to implementing recovery of some sort on every campus,” said Noyola.

Both Noyola and Hall are excited to help those students get back to hitting the books.

“The end result of how many students come back and then seeing the hundreds, thousands of students that we graduate every year and seeing their faces when they walk that stage,” said Noyola.

If you would like to volunteer, click here.

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