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Coastal Bend honors loved ones with Tree of Angels Ceremony

The event dates back 24 years and is a tradition for the district attorneys office to remember those lost to acts of violence.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Dozens of families gathered at the Nueces County Courthouse to remember and honor their loved ones at the "Tree of Angels Ceremony."

The event dates back 24 years and is a tradition for the district attorneys office to remember those lost to acts of violence. 

"Over the years they have an ornament that they place on the tree and some of them use the same ornament year after year after year," said Nueces County District Attorney Mark Gonzalez. "Some of them refresh them from time to time and they change as they change. Family members are added, children grow, so they change the ornaments."

For some such as Linda Bass, who's daughter was killed in San Antonio, the event means so much more. 

"This has been 18 years that I have been here since my daughter got killed in San Antonio," Bass said. "I've always lived here and I am so thankful for all our police officers taking care of us and all the people in here they are helping us to recover."

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