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Corpus Christi teen shares haunting Astroworld experience

Numerous lawsuits have been sparked by the event that killed eight and injured hundreds of others. Some victims named in the lawsuits are from Corpus Christi.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — In the aftermath of the Houston Astroworld tragedy, more victims continue to come forward and share their experiences.

Numerous lawsuits have been sparked by the event that killed eight and injured hundreds of others. Some victims named in the lawsuits are from Corpus Christi.

Three Corpus Christi teens attended a news conference to talk about what they saw at the festival. Bryan Espinoza, 16, said the night haunts him.

"At night, I can't even sleep," Bryan said. "I stay up most of the night because of this. I just rethink it and just see the people's faces that are purple, fearing for their life."

Another teen gave ABC News a firsthand account of what he saw that night.

"It was probably one of the scariest things I have ever been through, the gates had fallen, police were everywhere and it was just chaos already in the making," Jonathan Espinoza said.

The teens injured in the chaos described a lack of security at the event. 

"200 plus people come and instantly my ribs are getting collapsed into the gate and I look at the guard and he looked at me and he's like 'I can't do nothing'," Jonathan said. 

Espinoza's attorneys, Ricardo Ramos and Clark Martin, are representing more than 30 victims affected by the tragedy. 

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