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City of Taft employee placed on paid leave after accusing mayor of pulling a knife on him

The accuser was placed on administrative leave. His attorney wants to know why.

TAFT, Texas — The mayor of Taft, Texas, Randy Powell, is now under investigation by the San Patricio County Sheriff's Department for allegedly pulling a knife on a City employee last Friday.

3News learned Friday that Powell's accuser, Taft Public Works Director Joe Sandoval, has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the investigation's completion.

According to Sandoval, Powell pulled a knife on him during an argument last Friday outside of Taft's old animal control center. After reporting the incident to the police, Sandoval was placed on paid administrative leave by the City, leaving his attorney to wonder, 'Why?'.

"My client isn't alleged to have done anything wrong, and hence the reason he shouldn't be sitting at home," Attorney Chris Gale said. "Even if he's at home being paid, he doesn't want to be. He wants to be working."

According to Taft City Manager Melissa Gonzalez, Sandoval was placed on administrative leave because that was the best option for the City as the charge was being investigated.

"At this point what I can comment on is that not all of the details and information were known at that time, so that was the best option for the city to take," Gonzalez said. 

3News will keep you updated as more details of this investigation become available.

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