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Senior at Calallen High School triumphs over difficult journey this football season

Daniel Garcia Jr. will now play for the 'Lobos' of Sul Ross State University. He is playing at the next level, even after almost losing his biggest fan - his mom.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Coming out on the other side of impossible. Daniel Garcia Jr. managed to make the leap from high school to college football, all during his toughest season yet.

The Garcia's were living a nightmare in 2021 when Daniel's mother, Veronica, got COVID and was hospitalized for months. She almost didn't make it.

"My self, my son, and her parents were able to talk to her even though we know she wasn't able to respond to us, we knew she was hearing us" said Daniel Garcia Sr..

After being in a hospital bed for so long, Veronica needed physical, occupational, and speech therapy seven days a week. By this time, Daniel was starting his senior football season. 

Steve Campbell, Calallen head football coach, noticed the weight Garcia Jr. felt on his shoulders. "You could always tell that his mom was at the back of his mind just like you would be and I would be, but family always comes first and you know that was the case for Daniel." Campbell said.

Daniel never gave up, even when his world was becoming too heavy to carry. "I just fought for her because I knew she would fight for me, so I mean, look where we are right now. We fought and we're here now."

Eventually, Veronica became healthy enough to cheer on her favorite Wildcat. Even if this time she needed a little bit of help.

"I think I was most worried and made sure I didn't embarrass my son but he says 'it's okay mom. You look great!'" Veronica said. "I had to be there to support him because he's my everything." 

Nothing was going to keep Veronica from seeing her boy on the field.

"I mean, she went to all of his games. She got to make it to all of them. Even in the cold, she was bundled up and she was there. She was cheering for him all the time." Garcia Sr. said.

With mom and dad in the stands, Daniel had a heck of a football season. So good, in fact, that he will be playing at the next level.

Daniel's teammates were also moved by his perseverance. "He played his heart out. You'd see him before every game, he'd go and hug his mom and that was really his inspiration to keep on doing what he was doing at the pace he was going." said Curtis Brooks.

As for Veronica, she's ready for the road trips and some Lobo Football. "Just to see him play ball and spend time with him." 

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