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Attempted robbery in Stripes Convenience Store, Robstown PD searching for suspect

Sunday, Nov 7 a man brandishing a knife attempted to rob a Stripes Convenience Store. Robstown PD is asking for any information that can be given on the suspect.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Robstown Police Department is asking for help in trying to identify the male individual in the photographs.

On Sunday, Nov 7th at about 2:45 a.m. an unidentified male suspect entered the Stripes Convenience store at 628 Highway 44 in Robstown, Texas.

Brandishing a knife at the store clerk, the suspected demanded money from the register. The man was unsuccessful in completing this armed robbery as another customer inside the store intervened.

If anyone has information on this robbery or can identify the suspect, you are asked to contact the Robstown Police Department Criminal Investigations Division at (361) 387-3531.

More information can be found at the Robstown Police Department Facebook page.

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