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CCPD Skywatch towers to add extra layer of security during Buc Days weekend

Residents can find one of the towers at the corner of Staples St. and Agnes St., which is set up for Saturday's Night Parade.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The first night of Buc Days 2023 is in the books with large crowds showing up for the dunking of the mayor and dollar night. 

But it's important to note that as the event continues over the next two weeks, security will be tight. 

Corpus Christi police will be out along the parade route with additional resources to make sure everything runs smoothly. To add an extra layer of security, police will also have skywatch towers to get a birds-eye view of everything below.

The towers also act as a crime deterrent. One of them will be at the Carnival.

Residents can find another one of the towers at the corners of Staples and Agnes Streets, which is set up for Saturday's Night Parade along with regular patrols from CCPD. 

"To make sure everything runs smoothly we'll have additional officers out here on foot, bikes, golf carts," said CCPD Lt. Michael Pena

The towers were made possible over the years through the efforts of the Police Foundation and donations by companies like Valero. Meantime, police ask residents to talk to their kids before coming out to the parade. 

"Let them know if they should get lost to look for a police officer," he said.

If residents are going to the carnival, no oversized bags will be allowed. Metal detectors are also set up to check for weapons, or other unauthorized items.

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