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New gun laws set to place tighter regulations on how firearms are stored

The rule was submitted to the federal register for publication and will take effect Feb. 3.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — New laws from the U.S. Department of Justice are being added to existing gun storage laws, which will place more responsibility on gun retailers. 

The laws will require that federally licensed gun retailors have secure gun storage available for their customers to purchase. The regulation also requires that the secure gun storage or safety devices be compatible with firearms offered for sale.

This law, in addition to the existing Gun Control Act, require that gun stores must sell gun locks with every firearm purchase. Nathan Arn, owner of On Point Armory, said education on gun safety is top priority when people visit his store. 

"Part of our process when we are selling a firearm to an individual is to go through a background check and make sure they are legally allowed to own a firearm," Arn said. "Inside every case, whether it's a long gun, rifle, or a pistol handgun, they all come with safety devices. We go through and make sure they know how to lock the firearm. 

According to the DOJ, secure gun storage or safety devices include a safe, gun safe, gun case, lock box or other device that is designed to store a firearm. Most devices must be designed to be unlocked only by means of a key, a combination or other similar means. 

The law will not force buyers to lock up their firearms at home or in their car, which Arns said is a personal responsibility. 

"I do firmly believe that each individual that owns a firearm should be able to secure their firearms when they aren't in use," Arns said. "That just makes all the sense in the world." 

The rule was submitted to the federal register for publication and will take effect Feb. 3.

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