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Next step for short term rental ordinance in Corpus Christi

Phase two of the plan to regulate short term rentals in the city is moving forward with action expected by city council later this month.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — On Tuesday, the Island Strategic Action Committee heard more on the plan and the impact the short term rental regulations are already having on the community.

The City has cracked down on short term rental owners who are not complying with requirements.

So far, over 100 citations are said to have been sent out.

It was back in January when City Council approved residents to register their STR for North Padre Island and Flour Bluff by March.

The rest of the city will be required to do so by July 11. 3News was told that there are over 700 registration applications that have been submitted.

"Come to the beach and enjoy it. The island has many locations where short term rentals are available. The only thing we are asking for is to keep it out of the neighborhoods," said Marvin Jones, president of the Padre Island Property Owners Association.

He said a majority of residents on the Island continue to oppose short term rentals.

The reason?

"The streets are narrow, the houses are built close together, and it's just not conducive for the short term rentals which cause so many problems," Jones said.

Daniel McGinn, director of Planning for Corpus Christi went in front of the Island Strategic Action Committee to give the details on the next step for the short term rental ordinance.

In short, STRs would still not be allowed in single family zoned areas on Padre Island.

For the rest of the city, STRs would be allowed at only 15% of all homes on one side of a street.

"What that does is distributes them so you don't necessarily have a high density concentration, so they would be spread out through the city," McGinn said. "We don't believe 15%, maybe 3000-5000, a ball park of what we can expect once registration opens for the whole city."

Phase two plans will go in front of the City's Planning Commission Wednesday with council taking up a vote at their June 28th meeting.

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