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Animal Care Services encourage residents to adopt at Pawlooza event

The shelter has also extended their hours of operation to allow residents who work late to have a chance to adopt.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If residents are looking for a new pet then the workers at Corpus Christi Animal Care Services have many pets that need loving homes. 

The Summer Pawlooza event is taking place throughout the week, which means adoption fees are waived. 

The shelter has also extended their hours of operation to allow residents who work late to have a chance to adopt. 

"We actually had an adoption earlier this afternoon straight out of playgroup, he's been waiting for a home since March," said Mia Burbage with ACS. "So he had been with us for quite a while. The family saw him playing with the other dogs and they just came and decided that he was the dog for their family. We do have some dogs that have been with us since January or February, we're really hoping they find their forever homes as well."

The event is a good way for animals in need to find good homes. For more information regarding the event, click here.

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