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Corpus Christi residents hope for much needed rain as drought conditions remain steady

Off Everhart Road, sprinklers and hoses are putting in the work as residents take full advantage of their trash day, which is also their scheduled water day.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Take a drive through any neighborhood and you are sure to see all the different shades of green and brown thanks to the lack of rain.

Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni said Stage 2 water restrictions could come before the month is over.

It's the headache most homeowners are feeling under their feet. 

Off Everhart Road, sprinklers and hoses are putting in the work. Residents like Al Vela are taking full advantage of living in zone three on Wednesdays.

"My backyard is pretty dry," Vela said.

It's their trash day. But more importantly, it's the one day they're allowed to give their lawns a much needed drink of life due to the City's Stage 1 water restrictions. 

Stage 1 water restriction rules: 

  • Watering with irrigation or sprinklers is allowed one day per week on your trash pick-up day but you can only water on that day before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m.
  • Any watering between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. is still a violation regardless of the day.
  • There should be no watering on weekends unless it falls under the guidelines of utilizing a handheld water hose. No irrigation should take place on weekends.

Matthew Patrick's lawn looks more like an oasis compared to his neighbors. He lives off Weber Road and Saratoga Blvd. where he shared his secret to a healthy green lawn. 

"I did put some fertilizer down about a month ago, a light sprinkle," Patrick said.

Despite Stage 1 water restrictions, water usage in our region remains high.

According to City Manager Peter Zanoni, production and water use from the O. N. Stevens Water Plant was higher in July than it has been all year.

Keep in mind that Stage 1 restrictions went into effect in June.

Zanoni reminded city council members that part of the reason for the jump is the continued growth of our region.

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