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Nueces County begins the search for new Medical Examiner

Commissioners began the process Tuesday afternoon by interviewing one of their two proposed candidates. If hired, they could begin by Jun. 1.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The search is on for a new Chief Medical Examiner. Nueces County Commissioners started the process by interviewing one of two candidates for the position.

The names of the candidates have not been released at this time.

Following the arrest of former Assistant Medical Examiner Dr. Sandra Lyden, the District Attorney began an investigation into the Medical Examiner's office. Soon after came the resignation of Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Adel Shaker.

Commissioner Brent Chesney said he wants to get a new Medical Examiner in place as soon as possible.

"Whoever accepts, it will take them I would think 60 to 75 days to wrap up their cases then get houses packed and moved to Corpus Christi," Said Commissioner Brent Chesney. 

"I think that would happen in a relatively quick period time. Not as quick as we would like it."

If Commissioners decide to hire one of the current candidates, then it is possible a new Chief Medical Examiner could be in place by June 1st.

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